Friday, February 12, 2010

TG exclusive: LPS platypus send this to a friend

Get your super-cute LPS platypus!

Littlest Pet Shop has created its first-ever platypus and it's exclusive to Total Girl! We have 1000 super cute platypus toys to give away. Here's how to claim yours:

1) Get your Collector Journal from the February 2010 issue of Total Girl on-sale 18 Jan, or download an entry form below.

2) Claim your free TG exclusive sticker below and find more stickers in specially marked Littlest Pet Shop packs. Look for these symbols (pictured right) which both indicate there is a sticker inside.

3) Attach your six (6) stickers to the sticker collector page found in the LPS Collector Journal or download your sticker sheet below. Please remember, sticker sheets will not be returned.

4) Simply complete the form by 25/04/10 and mail it to the address provided to receive your Littlest Pet Shop platypus! Don't forget to answer the following question on the back of the envelope: What is your fave LPS pet and why? Prize limited to the first 1000 redemptions. Please allow up to 10 weeks to receive your platypus. Click here for terms and conditions

Do you have a question about LPS? Email us at